Sunday 24 November 2013

Running in Brussels

There is exactly one week before the biggest challenge of this year: running 32 miles the day of my birthday, when I will be 32 years old. Now the distance that I chose to run shouldn't be a mystery anymore.
I have to put some more pasta in my diet and add at least 1 hour to my sleeping schedule. Not very easy, though. First, I am not a serious pasta eater (despite my italian origin), and also due to another aspect which is characterising my life in this very last period, which resembles the one of a real gipsy. No stable place, no stable relations and travelling from one city to another for several reasons that include working, pleasure and, sometimes, even for getting a shower. Add to the equation the fact that I am doing all that by bike and you suddenly get a flavour of how tough the situation really is.
I am not complaining. After all I am a gipsy.

View of Marolles, Brussels city

The plan today was a slow run of 13 km. But I enjoyed it so much that I made 18 km, running from somewhere in the city of Brussels to the forest La Cambre and back.
I should stop doing that. Shouldn't I?

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