Showing posts with label cardio. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cardio. Show all posts

Friday, 2 January 2015

Believe it or not, Christmas is over. And with Christmas also candies, chocolate (a bit less for those who already abuse sugar on a daily basis), cakes, sugar, fat, pasta, fish, meat, panettone, bread, cakes and cakes and cakes. Every year I prepare myself for the toughest period of the year, that they refer to as Xmas. I even strategically try...

Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Dear future mums, your little dear one is waiting to pop out and fulfil your world with love, happiness and laughter you've never experienced? If you love sport and want to stay healthy in your condition, keep reading, this post might be of interest. If already mums, congrats! I wish...

Friday, 3 October 2014

Dear ladies (and gentlemen), we all know how hard the battle of losing weight is and our attempts to shape the body to what we consider ideal. Big thighs, flappy bellies, hanging arms... all things we don't like and we wish to change by means of exercises specifically designed to destroy that garbage (and us), sometimes in concert with a well-balanced...