Showing posts with label diet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label diet. Show all posts

Monday, 9 March 2015

Dear food lovers, Today I am writing about a sport bar that might be of interest to many of you: PRIMAL Nutrition. Who are they? When two belgian sport fanatics, get a break from their daily crossfit session, something good happens. Here is their vision: without proper nutrition you cannot even get close to your maximal performance. Eating...

Friday, 3 October 2014

Dear ladies (and gentlemen), we all know how hard the battle of losing weight is and our attempts to shape the body to what we consider ideal. Big thighs, flappy bellies, hanging arms... all things we don't like and we wish to change by means of exercises specifically designed to destroy that garbage (and us), sometimes in concert with a well-balanced...

Monday, 8 September 2014

Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Long story short: everything, just in the right amountCARBOHYDRATES Most endurance athletes and coaches know how important it is to maintain the body's carbohydrate (glycogen) stores. They are also aware that, despite the fact that the depletion of glycogen may be delayed to a degree, by consuming carbs during activity, the body's stock capacity...

Sunday, 13 April 2014

We all have hectic schedules. We decide to cook something easy, fast or even go for ready-to-eat food to warm up and good luck... Do you know what all of that is? Junk, of course. We deserve better than that. Making healthy choices takes time and effort, I know. But the benefits that we can get in terms of quality of food, energy and health...