Friday, 29 November 2013

I woke up in a very energetic mood this morning.  I think that's the magics of sleeping one hour longer than usual, until I got a phone call at 8am from a friend who, unfortunately forced me to wake up.
Everything is ready for tomorrow. I am in a very positive attitude, my body is responding adequately to any type of input. But my psychological state is what really matters.
I don't feel scared anymore (yes, there was a time I was kind of freaking out thinking about the distance). That moment has just gone and been replaced by the will to accomplish a goal that has been in the waiting queue for such a long time.
Only four months ago I was struggling with a stress fracture, living in a state of depression due to the fact that there was no running after breakfast and no running during my lunch break.
Not today.
I hope that bad injury is not waking up tomorrow. That would be really a big disappointment. After all, that's what runners always have to deal with.

I am temporarily living in Brussels with my friend Gianluca and his place is really where any serious runner would love to be.
We have learned our special way to start the day with a proper breakfast.  Oatmeal, honey, walnuts and other seeds, soy milk, banana chips, cereal bread and italian coffee. And that's only our breakfast!
Almond and arnica oil for sport massage before and after workout, and of course a number of mineral salts and magnesium to support our long runs. 

Nothing more to add. Except that I am going out for a 30 minute run, to talk to my body and listen to what it has to say. 

Wednesday, 27 November 2013

I just came back from a 9km run in the forest of Sart-Tilman in Liege, Belgium.
Legs were not responding as I expected in the first part. After a few hills everything was working just fine. On the road that usually takes me back to the department where I work, I turned left this time, in order to have a more relaxed run on the track and field.
It is really hard to find a straight road that is longer than 500 mt and completely flat here in Liege.
Today it would have been stupid to put my body under useless stress with some trail running or, even worse, climbing into one of the steep roads we usually take.
What can I say? It's quite freezing out there, temperature is going down every day. Legs don't care, hands do. It would be nice if we have a dry winter day next saturday, at least during the four hours I need to cover the challenging distance of 51.5 km.

Apart the cold, the rest is fine.
Looking forward.

Pasta time.

Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Year 2013 was not the one I wanted to be. I would have liked to run more and take part to many more races across Europe. But a stress fracture of the left pinkie forced me to ride a bike, swim a bit and rest a lot. 
All of that happened before April. A good season to recover in between and I found myself to be (almost) 32 years old.

I recently came across a quote that said, "You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have." 

So, I've been training the last four months because on November 30th, my 32nd birthday, I will put that statement to the test by running 32 miles.   
If I ever get to the finish line (there's actually no finish line) that will be the longest I've ever run in one row.
I cannot hide that I feel a bit nervous. I really don't know what to expect after the 34th km. My friend Priya will support me by bike, throwing snacks, water and bananas to the running monkey. She will also live tweet as long as I cover the distance.

You will find the tweet timeline (hashtag #gipsyrunner) here, on November 30th from 10:30 am CET (Central Europe Time). 

(That page will be created the day of the challenge)

By the end, I hope I'll be able to tell you how strong I am. 
Wish me luck!

Sunday, 24 November 2013

There is exactly one week before the biggest challenge of this year: running 32 miles the day of my birthday, when I will be 32 years old. Now the distance that I chose to run shouldn't be a mystery anymore.
I have to put some more pasta in my diet and add at least 1 hour to my sleeping schedule. Not very easy, though. First, I am not a serious pasta eater (despite my italian origin), and also due to another aspect which is characterising my life in this very last period, which resembles the one of a real gipsy. No stable place, no stable relations and travelling from one city to another for several reasons that include working, pleasure and, sometimes, even for getting a shower. Add to the equation the fact that I am doing all that by bike and you suddenly get a flavour of how tough the situation really is.
I am not complaining. After all I am a gipsy.

View of Marolles, Brussels city

The plan today was a slow run of 13 km. But I enjoyed it so much that I made 18 km, running from somewhere in the city of Brussels to the forest La Cambre and back.
I should stop doing that. Shouldn't I?

Friday, 22 November 2013

I’m not gonna run today. I woke up this morning with this awesome plan and all of a sudden I felt good. Relieved, I would say. So much that I would have liked to go out for a run. But no. I have learned how to give my body a break, allowing to recover from the intense workout of the previous days. I am actually still learning how to deal with the fact that sometimes, I better stay at home. Too many injuries thought me that. The real runner is the one who knows how to respect his body.
A day of rest is one such thing.

Everybody is resting today