Showing posts with label summary. Show all posts
Showing posts with label summary. Show all posts

Sunday 27 April 2014

Two weeks after the not-easy-at-all 80 km of Paris, the only purpose has been to get back to the road with an easy pace and relax as much as possible. 

9 km on the hills of Sart Tilman. I must admit that I've been running easy here. Hills were not scary but I never tried to attack one. I also found a new path, quite steep, that will probably be a new friend in the near future. 

Whenever I go back to Leuven and plan a running session there, I accept the fact that there will be no hills at all. A peaceful 12 km run is definitely a relaxing one. 

I recently decided to commute to feet, from bike. This means that I am planning to run to work every morning. The transition is taking a while, due to technical problems I will write about. A total run of 15 km from home to the station to the office and back. 

Easy easy easy: 6 km and a lot of stretching. I need it!

When Caroline wants to go to the sea, that's clearly an order I cannot deny. The only thing I can do is packing my stuff, lock a pair of shoes on the back pack and drive to the belgian sea. The first thing I've been doing after parking the car was a 12 km by the sea. Pretty windy up there!

Wake up, get a light breakfast and run. These are the rules when I am at the sea. A windy 10 km run, indeed.

Last day of the weekend doesn't really mean that I should run at a faster pace than the previous days. For some reason I have been running a 21 km at the steady pace of 4' per km. Quite flat, quite windy. A lot of sun. Loved it!

Total milage 85km 

Tuesday 25 March 2014

A boring week with total mileage of 75 km.

After a fast recovery from the trip back from Spain, I finally met my hills in Liege Sart Tilman. They gave me a painful welcome though: half marathon on steep irregular terrain. A tumble on the ground started something that I still feel: pain between the left rhomboid and the spine.

Easy pace 12 km run, even though in Sart Tilman nothing is really easy.

Really not in the mood to go out. The pain of the rhomboid is killing me. Finished 10 miles on the treadmill. Quite boring.

Rhomboid slightly less painful. I cannot appreciate any running session with this.
18 km with intervals on 400 mt.

Pain pain pain, and there is only one week before the Eco Trail Paris 80 km...
Nothing special happened in week 11. Just feeling closer to race day and slightly more stressed.
Weekly total mileage: 85 km.

A very easy run in the morning. 10 km on the usual dusty road near El Goloso, Madrid.
At 6pm I realised that the fridge was quite empty and needed to go shopping. Thing is that the house where I was living is 4 km out of town. I turned the hydration pack into something that could carry some vegetables and rice. Evening run of  8 km.

Things usually get serious on thursday. Interval training on the distance of 2 km, 5 times with minimal rest. Exhausting.

Easy pace 10 km run. Preparing for sunday.

Interval training on the distance of 400mt with a total mileage of 17 km at average pace of 4':30" per km.

Last run to El Pardo. It needed to be fast. But the previous training sessions kicked in since the beginning. Not bad though: 25km on the hills of El Pardo, below 2h

Monday 17 March 2014

Another week of trail running around Madrid; another week of 120 km and 9400 kcal burned to convince myself that I am ready for the 80k of Paris. I started this week doing something I would have liked to do a while ago: resting.


04/03/2014 intervals on a longer distance of 3km for a total run of 23 km. Really cool interval session. Tough but lovely. If you know what I mean.

05/03/2014 23 km from Cantoblanco to Alcobendas at a quite fast pace that I was keeping since the very beginning. Today I tried the new outfit I will wear during the 80km in Paris. New stuff needs to be tested first because I'm really not in the mood of having getting surprises the Day. Caroline following me by bike did the rest. 

06/03/2014 10 km easy run with some drills on the trail towards El Pardo, once residence of Franco. Kind of mine, today.

07/03/2014 17 km a long and tedious interval training on 400 mt on the road, to be added to the usual mileage to go back home.

08/03/2014  quite dumb legs, as expected. I decided to stay at home and save some energy for the ultra distance of tomorrow.

09/03/2014  easy run to El Pardo and back to Cantoblanco. Caroline joined me by bike in the second part to cover the distance of 44 km. I remember this run to be a bit boring. At some point I really felt the need to talk to someone. Luckily I met another runner who decided to overtake me at a slightly higher pace. Of course I didn't let him go. Not to challenge him. I just needed some company. We started running at a faster pace of 4:20" per km. I didn't tell him that I had been running for 30 km already, not to get his mercy :)

Monday 17 February 2014

Attempt to finish a marathon in Italy (~km 18)
The amount of work and the unexpected happenings of every day life didn't give me much time to write some lines any time soon. Better late than never, of course.
Year 2014 already had the flavour of an intense year full of things to take care of and targets to achieve. And that feeling was not wrong at all.

My running activity is taking the scary pace of the competitive phase. The race of the year is getting closer and closer, being now only two months far. I have been increasing the mileage quite smoothly after the injury to the posterior tibial tendon, fixed in no time (a record in my career).
I started running a bit everywhere between the hills of Sart Tilman and the flat lands around Leuven.
What made week 6 though was an unexpected trip to my hometown in Puglia, south of Italy. Caroline and I found and booked a flight in the time I need to run 1 mile and prepared the luggage in much less than that. It was that fast!
The trip to Italy was amazing. Great food, great places to visit, great weather and, of course, a lot of miles to run.
On the day dedicated to the long distance training I felt so good that I was about to complete a full marathon. Blisters under three toes of the right foot put an end to my attempt at the 40th km.

Attempt to finish a marathon in Italy (~km 20)

I rested a bit only one day, to give some time to the blisters to get dry. Some good taping and special plasters fixed everything in a bit more than one night. Those are the benefits of having a girlfriend on my side who is into sports and nutrition as a profession.

After two days I was back on the road and did some interval training on 1000 meters. The pace was unexpectedly high, around 3'30" per km.
It seems that I can keep the intensity of the schedule after those two weeks in which I was forced to stay at home due to the injury. I can claim that it is true: giving the body some rest regenerates it and prepares it to the worse. Or the best.

Friday 17 January 2014

I'm gonna skip week 02, for the reasons I explained in a previous post. I deliberately planned for a break between two intense training blocks. Anyway my body anticipated me with a stressed posterior tibial tendon that needed to be fixed any time soon.
Week 02 has been dedicated to resting, specifically active resting which consisted of a bit of cycling at the gym and loads of repetitions of the exercise you can see in the picture above.
According to my physiotherapist, I could have started running again on monday of week 03, after 7 days of no running. That's exactly what I did.

20' run and the usual exercises. I headed to the gym a number of times to strengthen some muscular groups that needed some intervention, such as hamstrings and shoulders, upper back and abs. Running, running, running is not exactly what every runner should do. Sometimes we have to plan some workout sessions at the gym or, if you feel more like Rocky Balboa at the steps of a stadium in the suburbs of your city ;)

30' trail in Sart Tilman in Liege, wearing trail running shoes. This session was characterised by the usual amount of hills and irregular terrain which made it a tough and quite stiff experience. At some point I was scared that the tendon would have collapsed again. I was really waiting for the running session to finish as soon as possible. Not fun, at all.

Of course my physiotherapist kicked in, discouraging me from running on irregular terrain for at least one more week. She was quite diplomatic by avoiding the more appropriate "you are an idiot" conclusion.
I proceeded as requested by wearing softer road running shoes for about 40', finishing on the track and field. I still felt a bit of stiffness in both the ankles and mainly on the injured tendon. Way less than the day before, though.

52' easy run with no pain whatsoever and much less stiffness. I felt like I could have been running for 3 hours more, which I didn't do. This time, I would have really deserved to be called an idiot.

again 50' easy run in the city of Bruxelles. Sore calves and both tibial tendons quite tired are probably the result of a week of training and exercising. I better close week 2 here, with a saturday of rest.


I wish I could say "the gipsy is back". But I still don't feel that comfortable.

Saturday 4 January 2014

There's nothing better than starting the year by writing about week #1. An interesting thing I noticed on the training calendar is that by counting weeks from monday to sunday, rather than by date, week 1 is right in between 2013 and 2014.

From Monday 30th December 2013 to Sunday 5th January 2014 I have been reducing the mileage a lot with respect to the previous crazy weeks. I really feel in tune with my body and I feel like I need some rest, before starting the second training block. 
There were no surprises when I checked my training schedule and found that the resting period I am referring to had been planned already a while ago. That's not just a coincidence. When I was ignoring the signs of my body and kept exercising according to the schedule, an injury always knocked at my door. Hence in the last few years I have been training according to my body. Keep the training schedule as a suggestion.


Coming from a week of intense training sessions, I decided to have a slow pace run with my girlfriend. It was a nice urban run from the Central station of Bruxelles to the Parc du Cinquantenaire, where I am used to run every time I am in the city. Even though it was quite slow for me, it helped a lot with recovery and sore calfs from climbing the Ardennes. 

The 31st of december could have had just one meaning to me: 31 km. I started from the Central station of Bruxelles and headed to Boit de la Cambre. After 9 km a guy was giving me horn blasts from the back. He was Gianluca, heading to the forest too, to run his usual 20km. A nice chance to get some mileage with my running mates. Bernard was there too. We had so much fun in the forest, hills again for a total of 750 mt. They ran for 16 km and 21 km respectively. I completed my 31 km and went back home. Goodbye 2013!

I gave my big welcome to 2014 with a fast run by the sea between Duinbergen and Knokke. Caroline was right next to me by bike. I couldn't run slower than 3'53" per km, completing 10 km in 38'49"
Not bad for a "regular" 1st January.

With no surprise, I felt quite stiff here. My training schedule suggested to take some clothes and go to the gym. The first wise suggestion of the year. Some cycling and some mobility exercises made my day. 

The body has no calendar. But it has needs to fulfil. Resting is one such need.
My biomechanical vacation start here.

Run happy!




Sunday 29 December 2013

Coming from a week with some interval training sessions, I decided to keep week 52 for some long distance running. Except for monday, in which I've been running quite shortly and I have been doing some mobility exercises, the rest of the week has been quite crazy. Only 10km today.

After the usual wake up at 5:50am, it was not the heavy rain in Leuven to discourage me from running 20 km around the canal. Due to some interesting plans in my racing schedule - of which I will be writing in some future post - I started running with my running backpack, equipped with gels and some other snacks I am not considering to use during these first running sessions. The purpose is just to get familiar with such a gadget ;)
Anyway, 20 km at an easy pace of 4':30" per km is not bad at all, considering the impressive wind I have been running against.

"How can you run on christmas??" that's what some of my friends were asking. Actually, how can you *not* run on christmas? I would have replied. Things are going a bit differently this year. Spending xmas day in a soft and scented bedding with your girl is probably one of those very few things that can make running in winter wait. Just for one day.

Back on the road for what should have been a 15 km running session, which became 17 km.
Running in Bruxelles city is not bad, if you know where to go. I usually head to the Parc du Cinquantenaire and start looping around.
I forgot to take some coins with me and I had to run to the bakery to buy some breakfast right after workout. Hence the two extra kilometres. The slope of the line that indicates the overall speed is clearly positive, meaning that I was running progressively faster. Average pace 4':20" per km.

Here we go with the crazy part of the week. Gianluca had a wish: running together in the forest of Sart Tilman in Liege, before the new year. The course I am talking about is quite steep, sometimes crazy steep, some other times just insane. We kept the insane part out of the equation and enjoyed a run of 500 metres of elevation on a total distance of 17 km. Wish satisfied :)

We planned to spend the weekend in complete relax in the Ardennes, southern Belgium. That's probably the best location for trail running or road running with quite some elevation. Long story short, we ran from Ocquier to Durbuy, went up to the Belvedere and came back home. My hands were freezing. My legs were enjoying the 700 meters elevation course. Total distance 22 km. Still calling it relax?

Whenever I am in Bruxelles and that's a sunday, I know where I should be running. La Cambre in Bruxelles is a location that my running team keeps booking every sunday since 5 years, for the usual 20 km in the forest. Amazing track, amazing people. Slow pace running with some hills to run at 90% max on distances that can vary from 300 mt to 700 mt. Quite a thing.

Total mileage this week 105 km.
Happy new year.

Thursday 12 December 2013

As a tradition I recently started on this blog, here is the summary of the last week. It has been a quite running week. I like those weeks of transition in which I try to keep my eyes away from the timer and the mind from the need of increasing the pace. In such weeks nothing really matters.

The goal of this week has been twofold. First of all going back to running constantly everyday after the 50 km of two weeks ago. Second, to gently increase the milage and build up some distance by the end of February (sounds like a long term plan to me).

I really do not respect the 10% rule that dictates there should be and increase of milage of 10% each week for 3 weeks in a row. I know that many runners take it as a golden rule. I don't think it's a formula that can be applied to everybody, as many other formulas some people speculate on or even fabricate for the sake of marketing.
I believe that every runner has his own formulas with respect to pace, milage and especially nutrition.

I enjoy running in the forest so much that I am converting most of my running activities to the trail. There's much less impact than on the road. Moreover I find the type of running more dynamic, with all these jumps I am forced to, in order to hop on mud puddles, stones and wood.
The pace is always a bit slower due to the elevation and the terrain I have to deal with. But speed is not of my concern, at the moment.


9/12/13 coming from a week of exercise and recovery, I decided to go out for a very easy and short run. Stretching and mobility exercises were added to the training.

10/12/2013 10km on the treadmill with some climbing up to 6-8% without changing the pace I was running at with no elevation

11/12/2013 slow and easy 13 km run from Bois de Colonster to Bois de Saint Jacques, for a total of 240 mt elevation at 4':40"/km
I had quite tired legs, due to the long resting period I had, in order to reduce the risks of that  nasty stress fracture. I also think that my fatigue was also due to a slight form of sleep deprivation I was going into for a few days.

Monday 9 December 2013

After running 32 miles I had to deal with some issues on the right foot, as expected. In the beginning it looked like a stress fracture that I couldn't localise exactly, even though I felt some pain after running for 20 minutes. Running the day after 32 miles might sound crazy. But that actually facilitates a faster recover. Anyway, due to my (hopefully) small injury  I decided to have a break and take some rest.

Only two days later I felt already bored and lifeless and I changed my mind, heading to the gym and converted to active rest on the spinning bike. For three days in a row I had been riding that thing for about 45 km per day, adding some stretching and mobility exercises to the program.
It was relaxing even though at some point I was pushing, going "up" and "down" at a higher pace. It was relaxing because I had no target time and no target distance. It was a good alternative to laying dead on the couch.

In the middle of the week I decided to go out for a test run, only half an hour. The foot gave me some pain, I stopped immediately and went back home. No swelling and no pain at rest were two signs that gave me hope about the severity of the injury. The rest of the week has been dedicated to cycling and talking to a girl I met at the gym. I usually don't talk to anybody when I'm training and I usually lead home immediately after the shower that follows the workout.

Not in week 49.